Recognizing Natural Energy Gain


As interpreted, the Second Law of Thermodynamics has led to a profound misreading of the perpetual motion of the universe. Nature is biased not toward zero motion but toward tension-equalization. With its focus on imaginary endpoints physics has failed to notice a self-balancing central relationship between disintegration and integration in nature – between the release of stress and acceleration; between the fertility of mulch and what may grow from it. Nature is biased toward energy gain through self-organization and stress relief, but here on earth we are causing the inverse – increasing stress and compounding chaos sustained by a system of beliefs that fail to legitimize our emotional intimacy with how nature works.

To gain energy we disintegrate material, disintegrating our environment. That is not how an atom accumulates energy. By recognizing the power of attraction underlying nature’s self-organization the source of an atom’s energy may be duplicated, providing an infinitely sustainable source of energy for our continuing evolution. But recognizing the potential requires a sense of reality denied by prevailing science and religions.

To picture the physical nature of reality we must first picture a physical material from which the existence of all things may arise - including the very real existence of human emotions and their interaction. Looking at nature for guidance we are given a choice between visualizing a crystallized universe or a fluid universe. Recognizing that crystallization can take place within a fluid medium, shall we visualize the origin of all things including ourselves as following the nature of dry particles in empty space, or shall we presume the existence of an all-pervasive fluid medium out of which galaxies and electricity and emotional flows may materialize? The theory of Energy Synthesis pictures all things as forms of motion of and within an absolutely unstable and universal fluid medium having zero resistance to motion in any direction. But whatever picture we choose we must accept that the picture is an abstraction, and that by allowing more than one choice we gain more than one foot to walk with. For instance, visualizing energy transfers as particle transfers lends itself to digital mathematics while visualizing a fluid medium yields constant meanders and spins and inversions of sense, opening awareness to repeating patterns of self-organizing flow and recirculations occurring over and over at every scale throughout the universe. Of these choices we will find that the fluid model is more productive than the particle model when used to discover how atomic energy comes into existence as a dynamic foundation for the materialization of the universe.


A. Wakeman, December, 2007

Resistance to the Theory of Energy Synthesis


Quotes From:
“The idea of self-organization challenges an earlier paradigm of ever-decreasing order which was based on a philosophical generalization from the second law of thermodynamics in statistical thermodynamics where entropy is envisioned as a measure of the statistical "disorder" at a microstate level. However, at the microscopic or local level, the two need not be in contradiction: it is possible for a system to reduce its entropy by transferring it to its environment. In open systems, it is the flow of matter and energy through the system that allows the system to self-organize, and to exchange entropy with the environment. This is the basis of the theory of dissipative structures. Ilya Prigogine noted that self-organization can only occur far away from thermodynamic equilibrium. It would appear that, since isolated systems cannot decrease their entropy, only open systems can exhibit self-organization. However, such a system can gain macroscopic order while increasing its overall entropy. Specifically, a few of the system's macroscopic degrees of freedom can become more ordered at the expense of microscopic disorder. In many cases of biological self-assembly, for instance metabolism, the increasing organization of large molecules is more than compensated for by the increasing entropy of small molecules, especially water. At the level of a whole organism and over longer time scales, though, biological systems are open systems feeding from the environment and dumping waste into it. At a more global level, the Earth approximates a closed system in that little matter is exchanged with the surrounding solar system. Life and evolution can occur because of the local input of primarily solar energy, while the global entropy of the solar system as a whole continues to increase towards a cold, dead endpoint. In that sense, life is "swimming upstream" against the larger thermodynamic trends only because of direct sunlight."
“It should also be noted that, the farther a phenomenon is removed from physics, the more controversial the idea of self-organization as understood by physicists becomes. Also, even when self-organization is clearly present, attempts at explaining it through physics or statistics are usually criticized as reductionistic. See holism, reductionism, emergence. Similarly, when ideas about self-organization originate in, say, biology or social science, the farther one tries to take the concept into chemistry, physics or mathematics, the more resistance is encountered, usually on the grounds that it implies direction in fundamental physical processes. See teleology."
[Clearly physicists resist recognizing the creative power of entropy in an evolving universe.]

Sailing Against the Prevailing Wind


Let’s try letting others enter the theory of Energy Synthesis by listening in to a review of our recent exchange discussing the possibility of over-unity energy gain. Sailor to sailor let me draw some pictures in the wind:

As the benchmark for “unity" take the energy transferred to a boat by a sail set 90-degrees to the wind, presenting its maximum area for maximum effect. If the energy transfer was 100% and there was zero wave-making resistance, the boat might be expected to sail as fast as the wind. But that would reduce the apparent wind on the boat to zero. Obviously over-unity energy gain is impossible.

Now rotate the sail 90-degrees presenting minimum resistance to the wind, then angle it off just enough for the wind to put curvature in the sail, bending the wind for coherent laminar flow over its outer surface. With laminar flow the wind cools, "hardens", and accelerates, creating outward tension on the sail 90-degrees to the flow instead of heat and turbulence pushing on the sail. Now slowly change the course of the boat under the curved sail from down wind to 45-degrees into the wind. Passing the midpoint feel the surge of energy as the boat gains far more power from the wind than it did sailing directly down wind. This energy gain comes not only from the hardened and accelerated flow of wind over the sail but because down wind the boat speed was subtracted from the wind speed while up wind the boat speed is added to the laminar-accelerated wind speed, compounding the energy gain as the boat accelerates. To test this picture without wave-form drag, given only the wind as its energy source an iceboat can sail faster than the wind up wind, more than doubling the ability of the wind to pull the boat as opposed to pushing the boat. Note that the boat is attempting to relieve the tension in the wind.

Surely using the wind to double a boat’s speed against the wind represents a local over-unity energy gain, but I hear you arguing that the source of that energy is ultimately the sun, changing the benchmark and missing the point. A sailboat appropriates the energy of the wind by integrating the form of the wind with the form of the sail. Unlike the sun or a gasoline engine, a sailboat does not disintegrate atoms and molecules.

This is similar to your pointing out that a whirlpool is sustained by gravity, which is true, but the result is simply that pressure above the drain remains greater than below the drain. Supply those same conditions locally and a vortex will spin independent of gravity. With vertical tension generated 90-degrees to lateral spin drawing air into a container, could a vortex preserve its existence like an iceboat sailing up wind above a drain? Physicists will dismiss such proposals without a thought because self-sustaining mechanical or electrical systems seem to be impossible to achieve. But those systems differ in critical ways from the unrestrained volumetric transforms available in a fluid continuum and by the fact that a fluid "at rest" remains in perpetual motion. A tornado is an example of self-organizing energy gain drawing in energy from its environment, but unlike an atomic proton it does not develop a coherent shell of self-containment preventing its dissolution.
When discussing the lift 90-degrees to the surface of a sail or wing, physicists speak of areas of positive pressure and negative pressure that must add up to zero, otherwise energy would be created which is presumed to be impossible.

But the lift on a wing is the result of positive tension, not negative pressure. Right here – in an unrecognized potentially infinite tension created 90-degrees to the flow of a fluid medium - lies the solution to some of the most elusive unresolved puzzles in physics. - Such as how do atoms come into existence? What is the nature of the dark energy and dark matter that permeates our bodies and makes up over three-quarters if not all of the contents of the universe? What is the cause of the “strong force” holding atomic nuclei together and what, then, is gravity? Why is the interior of the sun dark and why is its most intense heat outside of its surface?

Pressure, like temperature, cannot be less than zero. “Negative pressure” in fluid dynamics simply means less than ambient pressure, which is at most only 14 pounds per square inch here on earth and next to nothing in outer space. Contrast that with tension, which if not relieved can approach infinite from next to zero cause, and which, we will discover, is how an atomic proton manages to retain near-infinite energy-density within a near-zero-dimensional sphere of recirculation. To paint the infinite-tension/compression picture, display the tangent of 90-degrees on your calculator, then visualize an absolutely straight wire stretched between two immovable posts. If there is zero stretch in the wire to allow sag, a one gram weight hung at the center will create infinite tension along the wire, and viewed as rigging on the mast of a sailboat, the tension would create infinite compression on the mast. The potential for infinite tension 90-degreres to even low-energy motion within a fluid exists, and persists until something within the system responds with physical motion to relieve the stress. That action, even if far faster than the speed of light, can only occur after the fact of its cause. The potentially infinite tension 90-degrees to flow, instantly resolved by motion creating tension demanding motion preserves the perpetual motion of the universe. That motion, detected as “dark energy” and “dark matter” permeating all things, has a propensity for recirculation-in-place as its stress resolution, giving rise to the properties called mass and inertia characteristic of particles with a sustainable internal recirculation cycling at +/- the speed of light.

On a sailboat we often tighten a halyard by pulling 90-degrees to the lay of the line, inching the tension tighter and tighter. I hear you arguing that there is no net energy gain because less and less distance is gained as the tension increases. But then remember the proton’s increasing energy at reducing scale. To understand energy multiplication in fluids one must practice the art of self-contradiction and 90-degree logic. Outflow demands inflow and the result is spin. Where outflow removes back-pressure and tension preserves inflow, cyclic inflow/outflow at increasing frequency can quickly pump incremental spin up to runaway energy gain. With high frequency pulses of tension and release the quickest medium moves inward displacing slower material outward - lowering viscosity, increasing spin, increasing tension, with stress relief lying in the direction of further acceleration. Given specially formed shells to defend the accelerating storm from attraction and dissolution, an enlarged working model of a proton’s internal flow topology will distill high-amperage electricity from “thin air”. (See lightning.)

With entire galaxies condensing energy out of a universe-in-motion one could argue that there is no net gain of energy, but only a fool would then argue that with an entire universe filled with energy we should follow strict laws against distilling some universal primordial energy for our own evolution. Closed systems lead to disorder. At what price have the asymmetrical laws of thermodynamics been defended against balance?

I don’t know why it is, but from outside the profession, physicists appear to set rigid rules of right-thinking then become tangled in complexity trying to make their observations of reality conform to their self-limited concept of objectivity. The question of whether one has permission to imagine empty space as a dynamic fluid medium is a case in point. Without that, the universal 90-degree-effects being discussed here cannot be visualized, and without that, a dominant force of nature, deeply influencing all our lives, must remain beyond human awareness. To remove that roadblock to understanding Energy Synthesis, consider that throughout human history “empty space” has been visualized as a fluid medium, even at times as the medium out of which matter and human emotions arise. So the concept is not new. It was a singular interpretation of the results of the 1887 Michelson and Morley experiment with the speed of light that convinced Albert Einstein that “a fixed background medium, which is itself at rest, cannot exist. Since that time no large-scale effort has been exerted to extend the pioneering work of Michelson and Morley in probing for such a medium. One might thus date 1905 as the end of the aether story”. [Quotation from L. M. Krauss, the Fifth Essence: The search for dark matter in the universe, 1989. (Italics mine.) ] The assumption on which the interpretation rests is true - if the speed of light measures the same in all directions from a moving body, a fixed background medium, which is itself at rest, cannot exist. But if the background medium is itself in constant motion in all directions simultaneously its possible universal existence cannot be so easily dismissed, nor can the speed of light be assumed constant under all conditions. If it is the nature of the background medium to equalize tension in all directions at the speed of light, and if light is itself a propagation of tension and release at the speed of light along a linear path, the resulting tension-equalization around a moving body would produce what Michelson and Morley observed in their experiment with light.

Pressure is amorphous. Tension has direction. To appreciate the difference in the universal fluid medium, push, then pull on a piece of string. Pushing on string creates a model of heat (random turbulence). Pulling string from a pile of slack illustrates the transformation of heat into coherent linear acceleration (cold). This model describes how a singular underlying fluid medium can be transformed into many different Topological Forms of motion, of energy, of existence. Following this path we can begin to visualize how all things, from electricity, magnetism, and mass, to sunlight and the blossoms of springtime can all arise out of only a few basic forms of Recirculation in place within what physics will recognize as “an ideal fluid medium”. The primary forms of motion governing the organization of the universe are toroidal and vortex recirculation. The instrument governing the organization of recirculation is the 90-Degree Spiral.

For the physics of the 90-degree tension inherent in all fluid motion, pick up that wooden parallelogram on the chart table. Hold the bottom strip and move the top strip to the right. Note that the top and bottom come together compressing the space between the strips. Picture the parallelogram now within the boundary between a stream and its surroundings and let the angle of the vertical side members, like the angle of a kite string, indicate the ratio between tension 90-degrees to the stream and drag on the flow of the stream. Set the parallelogram at its maximum open position with the side legs 90-degrees to the flow and note that at this position of potentially infinite tension/compression 90-degrees to any flow of the stream there is zero resistance to the flow of the stream. Unlike crystalline mechanics, as long as the stream continues to flow the ghost of the parallelogram and all of its consequent forces will remain a constituent of the stream’s continuity, directing the evolution of its form toward a least stress resolution as a changing meander, a vortex, etc.

Now think of the vertical distance on the open parallelogram as the time available for motion to relieve tension relative to the rate of flow. As the rate of flow approaches the speed of light, the time available to relieve the resulting tension approaches zero. At the speed of light anything traveling in a straight line will outrun the inflow sustaining its existence and disintegrate. The exception to the self-limiting speed of light is when the flow has spiral-form where each inward curl rolls material outward to the next inward curl, allowing almost limitless inward acceleration. As the lateral component of spin approaches then passes the speed of light the natural surfacing of a black hole occurs. Inside the surface, the direction of stress relief lies in the direction of compounding acceleration past the speed of light dominated by interactive toroidal spins. The surface of a black hole defines a fulcrum of equilibrium between the sustainable nucleus of spiral galaxies and protons - and the sun as the “blossom” of a process-inversion - and dependent, otherwise unsustainable external forms of existence. It is necessary to see the intense internal energy sustaining a quiet atom at rest to appreciate the beauty in its soul. Sailing at night to the gentle sound of the bow wave one can watch the universe expand as it makes room for each new atom born, then hides the gain in a sea of stars.

Looking at the lift on an airplane wing, the boundary layer tension-cohesion works the same as with the inter-atomic medium except for the higher viscosity and slower reaction time of air. The speed of a sailboat or airplane is so much less than the speed of light that the subatomic 90-degree effect is negligible except for its effect on the speed of sound. [An experimental black hole for distilling electricity from air will have to exceed supersonic pitch-frequency to become self-sustaining.]

Much research has been done on the behavior of flows around the outside surface of objects, but very little effort has been given to understanding the resolution of motion inside a defining shell of containment. ES theory opens new worlds of visualization beyond the purview of science, from the interior of black holes to sequential “90-degree inversions” in evolution to the blossoming of “Earth’s Third Dawn”.

I will leave it there for now, adding more detail as time may allow. Next will be a discussion of the universal Artist-Artwork interdependency describing how the proton’s outer electron sphere of recirculation regulates the proton’s energy. Perhaps then a description of the 90-Degree Spiral and a black hole’s shell geometry and will follow.

March 22, 2008.

Tuesday, April 8, 2008


Recognizing Natural Energy Gain


As interpreted, the Second Law of Thermodynamics has led to a profound misreading of the perpetual motion of the universe. Nature is biased not toward zero motion but toward tension-equalization. With its focus on imaginary endpoints physics has failed to notice a self-balancing central relationship between disintegration and integration in nature – between the release of stress and acceleration; between the fertility of mulch and what may grow from it. Nature is biased toward energy gain through self-organization and stress relief, but here on earth we are causing the inverse – increasing stress and compounding chaos sustained by a system of beliefs that fail to legitimize our emotional intimacy with how nature works.

To gain energy we disintegrate material, disintegrating our environment. That is not how an atom accumulates energy. By recognizing the power of attraction underlying nature’s self-organization the source of an atom’s energy may be duplicated, providing an infinitely sustainable source of energy for our continuing evolution. But recognizing the potential requires a sense of reality denied by prevailing science and religions.

To picture the physical nature of reality we must first picture a physical material from which the existence of all things may arise - including the very real existence of human emotions and their interaction. Looking at nature for guidance we are given a choice between visualizing a crystallized universe or a fluid universe. Recognizing that crystallization can take place within a fluid medium, shall we visualize the origin of all things including ourselves as following the nature of dry particles in empty space, or shall we presume the existence of an all-pervasive fluid medium out of which galaxies and electricity and emotional flows may materialize? The theory of Energy Synthesis pictures all things as forms of motion of and within an absolutely unstable and universal fluid medium having zero resistance to motion in any direction. But whatever picture we choose we must accept that the picture is an abstraction, and that by allowing more than one choice we gain more than one foot to walk with. For instance, visualizing energy transfers as particle transfers lends itself to digital mathematics while visualizing a fluid medium yields constant meanders and spins and inversions of sense, opening awareness to repeating patterns of self-organizing flow and recirculations occurring over and over at every scale throughout the universe. Of these choices we will find that the fluid model is more productive than the particle model when used to discover how atomic energy comes into existence as a dynamic foundation for the materialization of the universe.


A. Wakeman, December, 2007

Resistance to the Theory of Energy Synthesis


Quotes From:
“The idea of self-organization challenges an earlier paradigm of ever-decreasing order which was based on a philosophical generalization from the second law of thermodynamics in statistical thermodynamics where entropy is envisioned as a measure of the statistical "disorder" at a microstate level. However, at the microscopic or local level, the two need not be in contradiction: it is possible for a system to reduce its entropy by transferring it to its environment. In open systems, it is the flow of matter and energy through the system that allows the system to self-organize, and to exchange entropy with the environment. This is the basis of the theory of dissipative structures. Ilya Prigogine noted that self-organization can only occur far away from thermodynamic equilibrium. It would appear that, since isolated systems cannot decrease their entropy, only open systems can exhibit self-organization. However, such a system can gain macroscopic order while increasing its overall entropy. Specifically, a few of the system's macroscopic degrees of freedom can become more ordered at the expense of microscopic disorder. In many cases of biological self-assembly, for instance metabolism, the increasing organization of large molecules is more than compensated for by the increasing entropy of small molecules, especially water. At the level of a whole organism and over longer time scales, though, biological systems are open systems feeding from the environment and dumping waste into it. At a more global level, the Earth approximates a closed system in that little matter is exchanged with the surrounding solar system. Life and evolution can occur because of the local input of primarily solar energy, while the global entropy of the solar system as a whole continues to increase towards a cold, dead endpoint. In that sense, life is "swimming upstream" against the larger thermodynamic trends only because of direct sunlight."
“It should also be noted that, the farther a phenomenon is removed from physics, the more controversial the idea of self-organization as understood by physicists becomes. Also, even when self-organization is clearly present, attempts at explaining it through physics or statistics are usually criticized as reductionistic. See holism, reductionism, emergence. Similarly, when ideas about self-organization originate in, say, biology or social science, the farther one tries to take the concept into chemistry, physics or mathematics, the more resistance is encountered, usually on the grounds that it implies direction in fundamental physical processes. See teleology."
[Clearly physicists resist recognizing the creative power of entropy in an evolving universe.]

Sailing Against the Prevailing Wind


Let’s try letting others enter the theory of Energy Synthesis by listening in to a review of our recent exchange discussing the possibility of over-unity energy gain. Sailor to sailor let me draw some pictures in the wind:

As the benchmark for “unity" take the energy transferred to a boat by a sail set 90-degrees to the wind, presenting its maximum area for maximum effect. If the energy transfer was 100% and there was zero wave-making resistance, the boat might be expected to sail as fast as the wind. But that would reduce the apparent wind on the boat to zero. Obviously over-unity energy gain is impossible.

Now rotate the sail 90-degrees presenting minimum resistance to the wind, then angle it off just enough for the wind to put curvature in the sail, bending the wind for coherent laminar flow over its outer surface. With laminar flow the wind cools, "hardens", and accelerates, creating outward tension on the sail 90-degrees to the flow instead of heat and turbulence pushing on the sail. Now slowly change the course of the boat under the curved sail from down wind to 45-degrees into the wind. Passing the midpoint feel the surge of energy as the boat gains far more power from the wind than it did sailing directly down wind. This energy gain comes not only from the hardened and accelerated flow of wind over the sail but because down wind the boat speed was subtracted from the wind speed while up wind the boat speed is added to the laminar-accelerated wind speed, compounding the energy gain as the boat accelerates. To test this picture without wave-form drag, given only the wind as its energy source an iceboat can sail faster than the wind up wind, more than doubling the ability of the wind to pull the boat as opposed to pushing the boat. Note that the boat is attempting to relieve the tension in the wind.

Surely using the wind to double a boat’s speed against the wind represents a local over-unity energy gain, but I hear you arguing that the source of that energy is ultimately the sun, changing the benchmark and missing the point. A sailboat appropriates the energy of the wind by integrating the form of the wind with the form of the sail. Unlike the sun or a gasoline engine, a sailboat does not disintegrate atoms and molecules.
This is similar to your pointing out that a whirlpool is sustained by gravity, which is true, but the result is simply that pressure above the drain remains greater than below the drain. Supply those same conditions locally and a vortex will spin independent of gravity. With vertical tension generated 90-degrees to lateral spin drawing air into a container, could a vortex preserve its existence like an iceboat sailing up wind above a drain? Physicists will dismiss such proposals without a thought because self-sustaining mechanical or electrical systems seem to be impossible to achieve. But those systems differ in critical ways from the unrestrained volumetric transforms available in a fluid continuum and by the fact that a fluid "at rest" remains in perpetual motion. A tornado is an example of self-organizing energy gain drawing in energy from its environment, but unlike an atomic proton it does not develop a coherent shell of self-containment preventing its dissolution.
When discussing the lift 90-degrees to the surface of a sail or wing, physicists speak of areas of positive pressure and negative pressure that must add up to zero, otherwise energy would be created which is presumed to be impossible.

But the lift on a wing is the result of positive tension, not negative pressure. Right here – in an unrecognized potentially infinite tension created 90-degrees to the flow of a fluid medium - lies the solution to some of the most elusive unresolved puzzles in physics. - Such as how do atoms come into existence? What is the nature of the dark energy and dark matter that permeates our bodies and makes up over three-quarters if not all of the contents of the universe? What is the cause of the “strong force” holding atomic nuclei together and what, then, is gravity? Why is the interior of the sun dark and why is its most intense heat outside of its surface?

Pressure, like temperature, cannot be less than zero. “Negative pressure” in fluid dynamics simply means less than ambient pressure, which is at most only 14 pounds per square inch here on earth and next to nothing in outer space. Contrast that with tension, which if not relieved can approach infinite from next to zero cause, and which, we will discover, is how an atomic proton manages to retain near-infinite energy-density within a near-zero-dimensional sphere of recirculation. To paint the infinite-tension/compression picture, display the tangent of 90-degrees on your calculator, then visualize an absolutely straight wire stretched between two immovable posts. If there is zero stretch in the wire to allow sag, a one gram weight hung at the center will create infinite tension along the wire, and viewed as rigging on the mast of a sailboat, the tension would create infinite compression on the mast. The potential for infinite tension 90-degreres to even low-energy motion within a fluid exists, and persists until something within the system responds with physical motion to relieve the stress. That action, even if far faster than the speed of light, can only occur after the fact of its cause. The potentially infinite tension 90-degrees to flow, instantly resolved by motion creating tension demanding motion preserves the perpetual motion of the universe. That motion, detected as “dark energy” and “dark matter” permeating all things, has a propensity for recirculation-in-place as its stress resolution, giving rise to the properties called mass and inertia characteristic of particles with a sustainable internal recirculation cycling at +/- the speed of light.

On a sailboat we often tighten a halyard by pulling 90-degrees to the lay of the line, inching the tension tighter and tighter. I hear you arguing that there is no net energy gain because less and less distance is gained as the tension increases. But then remember the proton’s increasing energy at reducing scale. To understand energy multiplication in fluids one must practice the art of self-contradiction and 90-degree logic. Outflow demands inflow and the result is spin. Where outflow removes back-pressure and tension preserves inflow, cyclic inflow/outflow at increasing frequency can quickly pump incremental spin up to runaway energy gain. With high frequency pulses of tension and release the quickest medium moves inward displacing slower material outward - lowering viscosity, increasing spin, increasing tension, with stress relief lying in the direction of further acceleration. Given specially formed shells to defend the accelerating storm from attraction and dissolution, an enlarged working model of a proton’s internal flow topology will distill high-amperage electricity from “thin air”. (See lightning.)

With entire galaxies condensing energy out of a universe-in-motion one could argue that there is no net gain of energy, but only a fool would then argue that with an entire universe filled with energy we should follow strict laws against distilling some universal primordial energy for our own evolution. Closed systems lead to disorder. At what price have the asymmetrical laws of thermodynamics been defended against balance?

I don’t know why it is, but from outside the profession, physicists appear to set rigid rules of right-thinking then become tangled in complexity trying to make their observations of reality conform to their self-limited concept of objectivity. The question of whether one has permission to imagine empty space as a dynamic fluid medium is a case in point. Without that, the universal 90-degree-effects being discussed here cannot be visualized, and without that, a dominant force of nature, deeply influencing all our lives, must remain beyond human awareness. To remove that roadblock to understanding Energy Synthesis, consider that throughout human history “empty space” has been visualized as a fluid medium, even at times as the medium out of which matter and human emotions arise. So the concept is not new. It was a singular interpretation of the results of the 1887 Michelson and Morley experiment with the speed of light that convinced Albert Einstein that “a fixed background medium, which is itself at rest, cannot exist. Since that time no large-scale effort has been exerted to extend the pioneering work of Michelson and Morley in probing for such a medium. One might thus date 1905 as the end of the aether story”. [Quotation from L. M. Krauss, the Fifth Essence: The search for dark matter in the universe, 1989. (Italics mine.) ] The assumption on which the interpretation rests is true - if the speed of light measures the same in all directions from a moving body, a fixed background medium, which is itself at rest, cannot exist. But if the background medium is itself in constant motion in all directions simultaneously its possible universal existence cannot be so easily dismissed, nor can the speed of light be assumed constant under all conditions. If it is the nature of the background medium to equalize tension in all directions at the speed of light, and if light is itself a propagation of tension and release at the speed of light along a linear path, the resulting tension-equalization around a moving body would produce what Michelson and Morley observed in their experiment with light.

Pressure is amorphous. Tension has direction. To appreciate the difference in the universal fluid medium, push, then pull on a piece of string. Pushing on string creates a model of heat (random turbulence). Pulling string from a pile of slack illustrates the transformation of heat into coherent linear acceleration (cold). This model describes how a singular underlying fluid medium can be transformed into many different Topological Forms of motion, of energy, of existence. Following this path we can begin to visualize how all things, from electricity, magnetism, and mass, to sunlight and the blossoms of springtime can all arise out of only a few basic forms of Recirculation in place within what physics will recognize as “an ideal fluid medium”. The primary forms of motion governing the organization of the universe are toroidal and vortex recirculation. The instrument governing the organization of recirculation is the 90-Degree Spiral.

For the physics of the 90-degree tension inherent in all fluid motion, pick up that wooden parallelogram on the chart table. Hold the bottom strip and move the top strip to the right. Note that the top and bottom come together compressing the space between the strips. Picture the parallelogram now within the boundary between a stream and its surroundings and let the angle of the vertical side members, like the angle of a kite string, indicate the ratio between tension 90-degrees to the stream and drag on the flow of the stream. Set the parallelogram at its maximum open position with the side legs 90-degrees to the flow and note that at this position of potentially infinite tension/compression 90-degrees to any flow of the stream there is zero resistance to the flow of the stream. Unlike crystalline mechanics, as long as the stream continues to flow the ghost of the parallelogram and all of its consequent forces will remain a constituent of the stream’s continuity, directing the evolution of its form toward a least stress resolution as a changing meander, a vortex, etc.

Now think of the vertical distance on the open parallelogram as the time available for motion to relieve tension relative to the rate of flow. As the rate of flow approaches the speed of light, the time available to relieve the resulting tension approaches zero. At the speed of light anything traveling in a straight line will outrun the inflow sustaining its existence and disintegrate. The exception to the self-limiting speed of light is when the flow has spiral-form where each inward curl rolls material outward to the next inward curl, allowing almost limitless inward acceleration. As the lateral component of spin approaches then passes the speed of light the natural surfacing of a black hole occurs. Inside the surface, the direction of stress relief lies in the direction of compounding acceleration past the speed of light dominated by interactive toroidal spins. The surface of a black hole defines a fulcrum of equilibrium between the sustainable nucleus of spiral galaxies and protons - and the sun as the “blossom” of a process-inversion - and dependent, otherwise unsustainable external forms of existence. It is necessary to see the intense internal energy sustaining a quiet atom at rest to appreciate the beauty in its soul. Sailing at night to the gentle sound of the bow wave one can watch the universe expand as it makes room for each new atom born, then hides the gain in a sea of stars.

Looking at the lift on an airplane wing, the boundary layer tension-cohesion works the same as with the inter-atomic medium except for the higher viscosity and slower reaction time of air. The speed of a sailboat or airplane is so much less than the speed of light that the subatomic 90-degree effect is negligible except for its effect on the speed of sound. [An experimental black hole for distilling electricity from air will have to exceed supersonic pitch-frequency to become self-sustaining.]

Much research has been done on the behavior of flows around the outside surface of objects, but very little effort has been given to understanding the resolution of motion inside a defining shell of containment. ES theory opens new worlds of visualization beyond the purview of science, from the interior of black holes to sequential “90-degree inversions” in evolution to the blossoming of “Earth’s Third Dawn”.

I will leave it there for now, adding more detail as time may allow. Next will be a discussion of the universal Artist-Artwork interdependency describing how the proton’s outer electron sphere of recirculation regulates the proton’s energy. Perhaps then a description of the 90-Degree Spiral and a black hole’s shell geometry and will follow.

March 22, 2008.